Monday, November 30, 2009

Decorating "Complete"

November 30, 2009

Sooo, I've decorated my blog for the holidays.
I've decorated the tree, the living room, the kitchen, the red bathroom, the bookcase, the family room, and yes, even the dog. 
Tom hung lights outside (not my domain). 
I've turned Grace into a Christmas nut like her mom.  She has a 2-foot purple tree in her room.  It is decorated within an inch of it's plastic purple life.  She asked me for my leftover decorations so she could transform her room into a Christmas party like the rest of the house. That's my girl!

Aren't you just dying to see my Christmas decor???
Here's the before:

Those are my 15, count them 15 bins and boxes of "Christmas Crap" as Tom likes to call it.  Actually, there are only 14 in this photo because the 9 foot tree weighed a TON and had to wait till Tom got home so he could help me haul it out of the shed and put it up.

I spent ALL DAY Friday (thank you Kathy for entertaining Grace) packing up the ordinary stuff and unpacking and placing Christmas decor around the house.  I have an artificial tree, so it had to be fluffed just-so.  It is a toss up as to the worst decorating job: stringing lights on a real tree or fluffing the fake one.  Either job scratches one's arms to ribbons. 
I spent MOST of Saturday finishing the tree and replacing the boxes and bins in the shed.  I think I am going to add a dolly to my Christmas list (along with that label maker). 
I also had to make a run to Target for Super Glue to repair two broken legs, I mean ornaments.  Seriously, we dropped two ornaments this a tumbling Grace figure and one golfing Tommy figure, and wouldn't ya know it, they both ended up with broken "legs!"  What are the odds?? (sorry mom, but you can't even tell)

Sunday . . . finishing touches, one more "clean up," and photo shoot. 

Now you have to check back in tomorrow to see the photos.  Really, I haven't downloaded them yet.  Didn't you just read how busy I've been??  Hello??


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Here's What I'm Thankful For . . .

Thanksgiving Day at the Halterhome . . .

Allie, Grace, Emmie

The "grown up" table

Kathy's lovely bird . . . move over Martha

Kathy & Emmie

Kathy's 4?th Birthday Cake

Dig in!

The Kid table


The grown ups

The kids (and moms)

The Birthday girl

Stay tuned for the Christmas reveal . . .


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 1 day


I am thankful for Ollie

He's the best dog ever.  Even our neighbors (some of them) think so. 

Don't you want him for your own???


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 2 days


I am thankful that there are only 2 days till Thanksgiving. 

Is that entry cheating?
Should I say, I am thankful that I only have one more day of work this week and then I can fully enjoy the preparing and planning to have 17 people over to our house for dinner. 
Really, I am a compulsive planner, so I enjoy this. 
I got all the dishes out today and made the last-minute grocery list (I know I am rather behind in this departmet).  This is fun, people! 


Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 3 days


I am thankful for holidays and birthdays.

I love to give gifts and have parties.  The holidays and birthdays are good reasons to do both of these things.  Plus you get to spend time with friends and family. 
There is usually cake too. 


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 4 days


Today I am thankful that Katie H. is doing well.
Jenny, my friend (an understatement) called to tell me that although Katie, her daughter, is OK, a dog bit  her in the face last night. . . pretty seriously.   She has many stitches, but no major permanent injuries other than some likely scarring.  Here are some pictures of Katie bug and Grace in summer 2008 in Portland, OR (for which I am also thankful...if you've visited you know).


Thankful Countdown . . . 5 days


Ok, I goofed.  I didn't get around to posting yesterday (Saturday).
So let's just pretend today is Saturday. . .

I am thankful for Tom.
Tom is the best husband in the world. He always does the most most thoughtful things.  For example, last night after we went out to dinner, he drove out of the way to get gas for my car.  Because he is sweet like that and because he knows how much I dislike getting gas (doesn't everyone??). 

That's just one example.  There are too many others to list here (besides I am behind on my posting).


Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 6 days


I am thankful for my "village."

My village includes all those wonderful friends and family that help make my life and my kids' lives easier and a ton more fun. 
My village includes:
. . . all those moms I have asked on a moment's notice to watch a kid when I have to be at work or run the other kid to an activity or to the doctor.  That is such a HUGE favor every single time. 
. . . the carpool pals I have for the thirty-six million different kid activities.  And on our girl's nights and book club dates...we carpool too. 
. . . my family who is always there to help out in every way and share vacations with us (so fun for the cousins).
. . . all the great teachers and coaches who help my kids grow and learn.
. . . my bffs (all of them) who listen to my ups and downs and in-betweens
. . . Tom, Tommy & Grace who always make me laugh and sometimes yell, but always make me happy. 

Thanks to you and I thank God for you.

P.S.  A family update...Grace appeared on Hopi Live (the school announcements) today reading a book review!  She did great.  The book was, "The Meanest Doll in the World."  (Hmmm...not sure about THAT title).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 7 days


I am thankful for the internet. 

Not very mushy-gushy, touchy-feely, I know.  But just last night I was able to open a file I sent to myself from the office (the real office not my desk at home).  I managed to get a good amount of work done, which made my life a little easier since now I don't have to go into work on Friday.  Yea!
But there's lots of fun stuff the internet brings too. . . .like

Esty . . .
Oh my!  If you have not discovered Esty, set aside half a day to browse.  Tons of handmade items.  I have purchsed earrings, a dog coller (Christmas themed ...yes I even decorate the dog), mittens, Christmas cards, invitations, and the list goes on.  I am browsing cloche hats currently.  I LOVE the look of them, but seriously, I live in Arizona where no one wears hats except to keep the sun off their face. 

And picture sharing  . . . Thanks to the internet, I am can share pictures with all the far-away people I wish were closer.  I laugh when I remember Tommy's baby pictures. . . I had to take the film to Costco, wait for the photos, then order reprints of the good ones, wait some more, then mail those out.  Of course I did it, and I did it ALOT because he was just about the cutest baby e-ver!  Now it's WAY easier. 

And finally email!  Who doesn't love email?  I am so addicted that if I don't have my iphone handy at all times, I feel totally stranded. 

OK, that's what I am thankful for today.  What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thankful Countdown . . . 8 days

November 18, 2009


I am thankful for my home.

It is super messy right now, but it still makes me happy.  It is often full of happy, friends, and a dog.  We enjoy spending time in it playing, relaxing, cooking, eating, and sleeping.  It is in pretty good shape for its age.  It's just about the perfect size for us (I would love a bathroom on the east side with access to the pool). It has some great trees and a hammock for relaxing (or swinging on if you are Grace).  It's on a great street in the best neighborhood in Phoenix (Arcadia) with some of the nicest and funnest (is that a word) neighbors around (in  my opinon).
Oh, and it has lovely, lush, very green winter grass right now thanks to Tom and a bazillion gallons of water (but I won't say another word about THAT issue). 


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thankful Countdown

November 17, 2009

Where did November go?  It's half over and almost time for Thanksgiving.  Whew! 
As I countdown to the big turkey day,  I thought I'd share some of the things I am thankful for. 

I am ever so grateful that Tom has taken over making the kids' school lunches.  I can never think of anything good to put in there.  This makes my mornings so much more pleasant with one less chore to do. 
I am NOT a morning person, so that lets me sleep about 5 more minutes.
Yes, to me 5 minutesis HUGE at that hour of the day.
So . . .
thank you Tom. 

Sunday, November 15, 2009

E is for Excellent

November 15, 2009

Friday morning Grace had a check up with her eye doctor.  As you may know, Grace has one reeeally bad eye.  Her right eye.  We didn't discover this until kindergarten, and ever since then it's been a battle to get her to wear the eye patch on her good eye to strengthen her bad eye. 
And I mean a battle. 
She was determined NOT to work on it for a long time. 
In August, the doctor scared her straight.  He said she was getting old enough that if we didn't fix it now, she'd never get better vision. To make his point he told that her vision was so bad in the right eye that if she ever lost her good eye she would be legally blind with the one eye.  That means NO DRIVING.  Well, that did it.  She has worn her patch consistently since then. 
Friday was the big day.  We would see if all her hard work paid off. 
IT DID!  She still some work to do on distance vision (it's 20-80 right now) but she can see 20-25 up close!
Here she is waiting for the doctor.  She refused to pose for me.  (Yet another example of her stubborness).



Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Climb Every Mountain!

November 11, 2009

Today is Veterans' Day.  A holiday for my office and for school.  I got to sleep in . . . a little. . .  7:30 is still early morning in my book.

Then I had to follow through on my offer that I made to Grace last night that we could hike Squaw Peak today. 
I am not a hiker.  I generally prefer reading about other people's outdoor adventures. 

I have made a little challenge to myself this year...after turning 42 (yikes that a big number).  Since I am on the second half of my life now, I told myself that I should try some new things or do things I have wanted to do, but somehow never get around to doing. 
For eample, I decided I should be more active.  I want to set a good example of active living for the kids. That is why I suggested we hike a mountain. You all can stop laughing now. 
OK.  All that good intention and motivtion aside, let's face it, I am not athletic.  So I was reeeally not wanting to hike today.   We went anyway. 
I bet you think I am going to tell you how great it made me feel, how I will do it again next weekend.
HA!  I was huffing and puffing going up and my knees hurt coming down.  Grace was bounding up and down.  She must have gotten that out-doorsy gene from my parents and it skipped my generation. 
Tommy said, "Next time you do this, count me out." 
But I WILL do it again . . . if Grace wants to . . . because she had so much fun.
Here is what we saw about half way up (We didn't quite make it to the top...maybe next time ...ugh).

And look how smiley Grace is. 

I am going to rest now.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Grace and Bliss

November 7, 2009

Today my wonderful girlfriends accompanied me to the BlissFest to celebrate my birthday together.  We had a lovey day shopping and chatting even though it felt like summer weather.  Will it ever get cool here for more than 12 hours in a row? 
I think I may have even created some fellow Domestic Bliss addicts.  Yea! 
I am so blessed with each one of them.  I love my pals!
I thought I would blog about our fun day and about some of our FAB-U-LOUS purchases like ...
these two handmade beauties I got

And this Christmas countdown garland that just makes me want to decorate for the holidays NOW...

And this adorable guy I found for a BUCK!! One dollar.  How cute is he?

Instead. . . all I want to write about came out of Grace's little mouth tonight while we were getting dressed to go out for dinner. 
She had tried on about seventy-bazillion different combinations and finally said, "I am going to wear jeans.  I look really good in jeans." 
My heart melted, loving how much she was happy with her adorable little self.  And I was too.
And she DOES look good in jeans. 


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

November 4, 2009

As you all know (or should) today is my unofficial holiday at the Halterhome.  I took a vacation day from work.  If I were boss of the world, no one would ever have to work on their birthday. 

My lovely little family treated me like a queen all day.
Here is the "before" picture of Grace and Tom's snazzy wrapping job:

And here's what was inside...

Yea!  They must've been reading to know I wanted that fancy camera.  Tom said no, I dropped enough hints (and requests not even disguised as hints) that he knew without reading the last post.
And if you can't tell from the pre-birthday camera photo, the other gift is a 1500 piece puzzle with a black lab in it. 
And some of my oh, so wonderful neighbors/friends dropped of these treats... cupcakes from Sprinkles. Don't you wish you lived on my street?

Everyone asked what I did all day...I spent my birthday vacation day at the school book fair. 
Yes. That was a F-U-N, fun day for me. 
I got to pretend I had my two dream jobs: stay-at-home-mom and professional organizer.
We turned this jumble into a cafeteria full of neatly catagorized used books.  (Sorry I forgot an after photo...I was tired).

My favorite thing about working the used book fair is the pre-shopping perk (that and the organizing high I get).  This year I bought about a couple DOZEN books (so far) .  My favorite purchase is this big boy:

A dictionary? How boring, you say?
But just look at how FAT it is! 

The pages are yellowing and it will make for some great crafts.
And my bookish (aka nerdy) family has already been quizzing each other on words in it, so I may just leave it open on the coffee table for spontaneous word games.  We love those word games.  All that for $2!

Thanks to all for the calls, texts, emails, gifts, goodies, cards, and even the Birthday Song at the book fair.
I am blessed with the best friends and family ever.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tricks and Treats

November 2, 2009

Here it is 3 whole days after Halloween and I am just now getting the Halloween photos up.
Grace was, duh, a clown...pretty obvious.
Tommy was Tiger Woods.   Not as obvious.  Apparently, my family has an above-average interest in golf.  We all know that every Sunday Tiger wears a red shirt and black pants...his "Sunday Red."
 I thought everyone knew that. 
We also assumed you people know that Tiger has won the Masters and that when you win the Masters, you get an ugly green  blazer.  Again, apparently not common knowledge outside the Halterhome. 
We had a lot of 'splaining to do.  Here are the Clown and Tiger.

Here are "the Graces" (aka Grace R. and Grace H.) as a nerd and a clown.

Here are the boys...not nearly as cute as the Graces. 
Bret as Swine Flu, Tiger, Matt as V for Vendetta (huh??) and Tony as The Scream.

Here I am with my girls.
I went as a cow girl...I had boots on too but you can't see that.

And here I am with my cowboy.

These three lovely sisters hosted the fun block party. Really, they are sisters in real life. 
Karen, Peggy & Donna

At the fabulous block party, I spied this BIG guy.

It was one of those GINORMOUS pumpkins from our local Safeway!! 
(You can tell it's size by looking at the jar of hand sanitizer and child behind it.)
As you may or may not know, I coveted these things from the first of October when Safeway got them in.  But, seriously, who is going to spend $80 on a pumpkin?? 
Then they slowly got marked about $30.
I considered one at that low-ish price.  But where would I put it??
I ended up passing on the big pumpkin. 
Maybe next year.

Here are some "famous" friends from the block party:
Sigfried (or is it Roy?) and his lovely assistant

Kate Gossling minus the 8 and Jon (and apparently out with her new fella)

A member from the cast of Cats

and Michael Jackson back from the dead with Jason

Happy Halloween!

P.S. Kathy, I didn't get a single good picture of Emmie. 
I really need a new camera. Hint hint if you are reading Tom. 
