May 24, 2010
Two weeks ago, my friend Jenny visited me. I felt like I was on vacation here at home while she was visiting. I took two days off work. We went out to dinner at
Chelsea's Kitchen, a favorite of mine. The brussel sprout salad is the best thing ever. I think she split it with me just to be nice because she ordered a salad for her entree. But I don't care, it's just that good.
We spend all day at the pool at ACC while the kids were in school. I thought we might go somewhere that day, but we were happy as clams to sit by the pool, eat, read, do our crossword puzzle, and talk about everything.
We met a friend from law school for dinner at The Vig Uptown.

My neighbor owns this place and it is true that it is good to know friends in high places because the wait would have been forever, but thanks to Jimmy, we got right in. We ate and talked again. Do you sense a theme here?
Jenny took a side-trip to Tucson for her parents' 60th Anniversary. Actually I was the side trip because she fit me in around the real purpose of her trip...her parents' anniversary. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Whiting!!
When she returned to Phoenix on Sunday evening, we went to the movies and saw
City Island, a good, quirky movie. Then MoJo Yogurt. Yum.
Monday we headed over to Mesa to see my favorite shop,
Domestic Bliss. I hadn't been there since it relocated to its smaller location. I was rather disappointed. All the fun, crafty stuff was gone. Most of the smaller decor was gone. I guess I'll have to go back on a Wednesday through Saturday to see Found the other DB venture. From what I could see in the windows, it looks like that's where all the good stuff went.
So we meandered around Mill Avenue reminiscing about our college and law school years. Ahh, the
good old days.
We hit the jackpot at Buffalo Exchange.
Well, I did more than she did, but it was a hoot checking out some of their more "interesting" items. I saw some pants that reminded me of my old "dark side" apparel. Then I drove her to the airport to say good-bye. I miss her everyday. It was such a fun visit. I really felt like I had a mini vacation while she was here. I can't wait to go to Portland to return the favor and give her an excuse to vacation at home.
(beautiful Portland).