Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Nikki!

May 26, 2010

Happy birthday Nikki!

I don't think she has ever read my blog, but here's my birthday wish to Nikki, my beautiful, funny, very stylish, loyal, trustworthy, fun, smart, sporty, concert-buddy, and one of my best friends.  Here we are last year when she had a milestone birthday.


Grace Winding Down

May 26, 2010

Last day of school!  For six whole days my tween has no extra-curricular activities.  Zip. Zero. Nada.  She will be whining about how bored she is by tomorrow morning.  

Here is a wrap up of the end-of-year activities:

Fourth Grade Band Concert.  Ear plugs would have been nice.  Here she is with BFF Alex.

Softball season ends with a 1-12-1 record (or something just as dismal).  They didn't care; they just had FUN!

Final performance of School House Rocks, Live.  Grace & Emmie on stage.  I'm still singing the Preamble in my head.  

End of year party for Girl Scout Troop 990.  Cute cookies, thanks Nikki.

Basketball season ended.  They were surprisingly fun to watch and the girls played GREAT!

The summer games camps begins June 1.  No resting around the Halterhome.   
At least not for too long.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gettin' Tech-y

May 25, 2010

I attempted to add a feed service so you can get my new posts via email instead of signing in.  I had no idea what I was doing, however, so it may not work.  There is a new "widget" over to the right >>>>
Maybe that will do the trick.  I'm crossing my fingers.

I also don't know why it won't accept some comments.  I checked my settings and it is set to allow all comments, even anonymous ones.  Oooohh.  Creepy.

Let me know if you can figure it out.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Vacation At Home with a Friend

May 24, 2010

Two weeks ago, my friend Jenny visited me.  I felt like I was on vacation here at home while she was visiting.  I took two days off work.  We went out to dinner at Chelsea's Kitchen, a favorite of mine.  The brussel sprout salad is the best thing ever.  I think she split it with me just to be nice because she ordered a salad for her entree.  But I don't care, it's just that good.

We spend all day at the pool at ACC while the kids were in school.  I thought we might go somewhere that day, but we were happy as clams to sit by the pool, eat, read, do our crossword puzzle, and talk about everything. 

We met a friend from law school for dinner at  The Vig Uptown. Vig home
My neighbor owns this place and it is true that it is good to know friends in high places because the wait would have been forever, but thanks to Jimmy, we got right in.  We ate and talked again.  Do you sense a theme here?

Jenny took a side-trip to Tucson for her parents' 60th Anniversary.  Actually I was the side trip because she fit me in around the real purpose of her trip...her parents' anniversary. Congratulations Mr. &  Mrs. Whiting!!

When she returned to Phoenix on Sunday evening, we went to the movies and saw City Island, a good, quirky movie.  Then MoJo Yogurt.  Yum.
Monday we headed over to Mesa to see my favorite shop, Domestic Bliss.  I hadn't been there since it relocated to its smaller location.  I was rather disappointed.  All the fun, crafty stuff was gone.  Most of the smaller decor was gone.  I guess I'll have to go back on a Wednesday through Saturday to see Found the other DB venture.  From what I could see in the windows, it looks like that's where all the good stuff went.
So we meandered around Mill Avenue reminiscing about our college and law school years.  Ahh, the good old days.
We hit the jackpot at Buffalo Exchange.  the tempe store
Well, I did more than she did, but it was a hoot checking out some of their more "interesting" items.  I saw some pants that reminded me of my old "dark side" apparel.  Then I drove her to the airport to say good-bye.  I miss her everyday.  It was such a fun visit.  I really felt like I had a mini vacation while she was here.  I can't wait to go to Portland to return the favor and give her an excuse to vacation at home.
(beautiful Portland).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday AMY!

May 19 15, 2010

Another belated birthday post to my adorable friend, Amy.

Here she is sans face paint at our fabulous Surf Divas weekend (far left):

And at our Bunco Valentine's Party:

Don't you all wish you had a friend as cute and fun as Amy?  I'm blessed.
You would NEVER in a million years guess it, but her daughter just graduated from high school.  They look like sisters.
Happy Birthday Amy!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Book Club

May 18, 2010

I've recently finished Little Bee by Chris Cleave
Little Bee [Book]
and The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson
The Girl Who Played with Fire [Book]

Little Bee was a beautifully written book about a terrible subject.  A Nigerian refugee meets up with an English couple and lots of dark things happen.  My entire book club (A) read it (a first I think) and (B) loved it.  My choice, by the way...thank you very much.
We all wanted the story to keep going.  Most of the characters were completely enthralling.  Lucky for us it's being made into a movie.

Speaking of being made into a movie...
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo also by Stieg Larsson was another book club book.  I saw the movie which was an excellent adaptation of the book.  The actors were exactly like I had imagined the characters in my head when I read the book.  The book gave me nightmares, but the movie was not as graphic as the descriptions in the book.  I recommend both, but be forewarned there are some very violent scenes.
The second book in this trilogy, The Girl Who Played With Fire, was not as thrilling.  I literally could not put down the first book once I got to a certain point, but the second book seemed to drag out the suspense a little too long for me.  I put it down many times.  Nonetheless, I plan on reading the third book, so it must've been pretty good. I also want to see what happens to the characters in the last book.

Read any good books lately?
To encourage young readers, Borders is having a summer promotion.  If they read ten book before late August, Borders will give them a free book.  Check it out here:

Happy reading.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Cooper!

May 14, 2010

I know it's out of date and a few days late, but. . .


Love, the Halterhome

Big Kid!

May 17, 2010

Last Friday, Grace and her friend, Courtney, rode their bikes to school...without a parent riding along.
Actually, she rode MY bike to school because her bike is way too small for her.  She got it in kindergarten with the training wheels and now she is far too tall for the little thing.  
I remember Tommy riding to school with Riley about this exact time when he was in fourth grade.  

Off she goes down the road...
They grow up too fast.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Way to Go Melissa!

May 15, 2010

This is a long-overdue post to congratulate my sister-in-law, Melissa (aka Fissa or Mel-here with Tommy). . .

We recently learned that Melissa was selected as the University of San Diego
Employee of the Year

Yea Mel!!  

She is the Director of the Center for Health and Wellness Promotion (sounds very important doesn't it) .
We are super proud of her accomplishment, but not surprised.  


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

May 13, 2010

The mighty Bruins softball team FINALLY won a game!
It's been a long season.  One more regular season game on Saturday and then a playoff game (or two if we win).
Grace got on base her first at-bat, then struck out her second time up.   She had fun and got a girl out at the plate playing catcher!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Kinda Camping

May 11, 2010

I was checking out some of the blogs I like and I perked right up when I saw the title of this one: Glamping!  My way to camp, not really roughing it.  Check it out at this link below:

Now, I can handle that kind of camp out.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Great Kids!

May 4, 2010

Just have to brag a bit . . .

Tommy was selected for National Junior Honor Society at his middle school.
Grace's mid term report was straight As.

They must take after their really smart daddy.


P.S.  One day till Jenny visits me from Portland!  Can't wait.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Back to Nature

May 3, 2010

Grace's Girl Scout troop just had their first overnight camp out.  We were supposed to go to Oak Creek near Sedona, but it was unseasonably cold in AZ last week, so we opted for lower ground.  McDowell Mountains to be exact.  Very desert-y.
Now I have not been tent camping in . . . I can't even remember when.  Cabins in the woods are how I like to camp.  Anyplace in Flagstaff is "camping" because you are in the mountains.   I happen to appreciate my creature comforts like toilets that flush, beds with some cushion to them, solid walls and ceilings, and electricity.  To be honest, I prefer to "camp" in a cabin/house with cable TV, a microwave, refrigerator, and washer/dryer, but I know that is not really roughing it.
So off to the desert campgrounds we went.

We, actually they set up tents ('cause I haven't a need with a cabin).

Ta Dah!
Ate lunch with the cute mesh mess kits the troop got.

Went on a hike.

Played and did skits.

Learned how to build a fire log cabin or tee pee style.

Prepared dinner, then ate dinner. Wash, rinse, disinfect.

Smores & campfire songs.

Saw a scorpion, screamed (not me, I am actually used to them around our house).
Bed time...ha!

Lots of giggles.
Gale force winds kept us awake ALL. NIGHT. LONG.
Rise & shine at 6:45.
Dress, eat.

Breakdown camp.
Hike, then visit the visitors' center to see the rattle snake and his friends.

Drive home.

The girls had tons of fun and asked if they could have a camp out every month.  Guess what we said?  It was a successful outing after all.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


May 2, 2010

Hello. I've been away for a while.   Are you still with me?

I have been reading good books and watching the end of the season of Damages, so that has been taking up my late evenings when I usually blog.  My work has also been busier than usual, which means no down time to catch up making appointments, sending email, and other things I am able to do during little breaks during the work day.
All that means I have had no time or energy to write here.

Here's a brief update:
LOVE the car.
Don't like the windy weather we've had here....too cold for the convertible.
Lot's of kids activities.
Next week is Grace's Art & Sol dress rehearsals and 2 performances.
3 days till Jenny visits from Portland!!
Finished reading Little Bee, great book.
Saw Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so now I am reading The Girl Who Played With Fire.
Camping trip with Girl Scout Troop.  Yes, you read that right.  Me. Camping.  (More about that later).
