Sunday, November 20, 2011


November 20, 2011

Oops. I almost forgot to post Halloween pictures.  Tom and I went to a neighborhood party the Saturday before Halloween.  Yes, we have a very social neighborhood.  Aren't we lucky?!
This year Tommy almost didn't go out.  He went out literally at the last minute, around 6:00 p.m. on Halloween with some friends.  He put on a bucket hat and wore his Canada t-shirt and said he was a Canadian fisherman.  It was such a pitiful excuse for a costume I didn't even take his picture.
Grace went as Elvis because she was Elvis for a 5th grade book report and I spent so much on that costume I made her promise to be Elvis for Halloween.  She kept her promise without any fuss.
Here we are with our buddies, the Deer and the Headlights.  Oh, and Tom went all out and dressed up as a golfer. I was a witch.
This cool witch hat (curtesy of niece Emmie) had a spooky veil.  The vampiress on the right is Cathy, the hostess.

Headlights and a Fork in the Road
Better picture of the Deer in the clever
These fabulous gloves with the attached silver fingernails were the inspiration for the witch costume.

You can't tell from this picture, but there was an amazing Black Swan costume (on the right) at this party.  Amazing make up and head dress.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

November 10, 2011

I recently celebrated my favorite "holiday," my birthday.  I got lots of calls and sweet gifts from my wonderful friends and family.  My cute family gave me an iPad!!  Woo Hoo!

My neighborhood besties even threw a party for me and Debbie whose birthday is the 14th.  I put on my cowgirl boots for the festivities hoping we'd hit the local country music bar and do some two-stepping, but once the party started, no one wanted to go out.  It was super fun.  I took pictures with my iPhone and they came out kinds yellowish.  And we all have glowie eyes.  Hmmm.

Diane (hostess), Jeanette, me, Cathy
 Jeanette & me
Karen T., Amy, Sandy, Diane, Cathy, me
 Diane, Cathy, me
Barb, Karen T., Amy
 Sandy, Diane, Debbie (the blondies)
 Jeanette, Diane, Karen T
 Karen T, Cathy
 Debbie popping the champagne for her 50th! (Sandy & Nikki in the back)
Ha. I just realized I didn't get a single picture with the men in it!  They were outside where it was COLD and rainy.  Actually, in the garage playing ping pong where it was still cold.

Sunday family dinner was another birthday celebration.  The Halter family made my favorite meal of salmon and roasted vegies and a chocolate cake for dessert.

I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.

So Grown Up

November 10, 2011

Grace started Junior Assembly this week.  Tommy did it in 6th grade too and so did Tom for that matter.  The get all gussied up and go to a dance hall where some very brave (or crazy) ladies teach all these pre-teens how do the waltz and the fox trot and old fashioned dances.  There's also "freestyle" where they dance like the teeny boppers they are.
This experience with a girl is completely different than it was with a boy.  Tommy wore the exact same outfit for all 6 dances.  He was ready in about 10 minutes.  Grace and a gaggle of other girlies start at 4:30 for the 6:10 dance.  There is a group event where the girls get ready together and have dinner at some one's house before the dance.  I am on deck for the December dance (a friend and I are sharing the duty).
The girls looked very pretty and there was no fashion disaster (i.e., two girls wearing the same dress), at least in this group.  And I caved in and let Grace ditch the glasses.  (Don't get me started on that).  Here they are:

 Grace and her BFF, Alex.

These are the 9 girls who got ready together, plus 4 boys who dropped by for pictures.

 Even more girls stopped by for a photo op...
 Looks like the silver shoe was popular

 Inside where the girls purchased their $5 white gloves.

 I love this one.  They all look so gorgeous.  (Especially Alex)