He, Tom and Big Tom (aka Poppy) went golfing this morning. That was after Tom woke him up at 6 am by calling him on his new cell phone. I finally caved in and then got Tom to agree to get him the dreaded cell phone for his birthday. No, he doesn't "need" it. I need it more than he does because I like to keep track of where he is and what he is doing. He's more independent these days and that makes me nervous.
In honor of Tommy "Tuna's" birthday, I thought I'd describe him a little as I see him. If anyone is reading this feel free to add your own little description of Tommy and I will share it with him.
Tommy: cute, cuddly, nice, athletic, smart, has a great belly laugh, usually pleasant with a little surliness now and then, not talkative, great smile, funny, crazy hair unless it has just been cut, has a fake tooth (not even from an interesting accident either, ask him), hard on his glasses, great eyelashes, bad dry skin, isn't an avid reader (how'd that happen with me & Tom for parents?), sometimes lazy, very tan in he summer, follows the rules, has great friends, messy, sweet, wonderful kid.
Happy Birthday Tommy! I love you.
Mom (aka Karen ... by the way, I am the only Halter without a funny nickname just so you know)
1 comment:
Tommy is growing up so fast but he is still so special...from that first day in August 1997 till now. He is a wonderful grandson who can make me feel really loved when he gives me that sweet smile. I love his husky voice and beautiful eyes, but especially that big warm heart.
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