Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Weather...Finally

October 28, 2009

Today it felt like fall.  Actually a little chill in the air.  Kids wore hoodies to school!  I broke out the furry boots and a sweater.  Because, as Tom says, I  have a two degree comfort zone. 
Today was definitely cool and I was downright cold tonight leaving book club.  I even turned on the "bun warmers" (seat heaters) in the ol' minivan.  I think they are my second favorite feature, after those handy-dandy automatic doors.
Despite the lovely fall weather we are having, which started only today, the stores broke out the Christmas decor a while back.  I can't stand when they do that here in AZ when it is still H-O-T hot. 
Grace and I were at the Biltmore Fashion Park (a lovely outdoor shopping center for my far-flung readers...all none of you) last weekend and this is what we saw:

Yep.  That's right.  Christmas garlands.  Fake of course, 'cause here in the desert, we don't have that kind of greenery e-ver.  Grace and I were wearing shorts and t-shirts and had the a/c going.  Not in the "Christmas" mood, not even close.
Today, however, is a whole different weather report.  A high of little ol' 65 today.
I L-O-V-E the cool fall weather.

Karen (aka Climate Control Karen as Tom calls me)

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