Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello Grace!

July 28, 2010

Grace comes home today from 10 days in Washington with Grandma Mary & Emmie. I am so excited to see the crazy kid.  She and Emmie flew home as unaccompanied minors!  Wow what big girls.  Mt always-thoughtful husband is picking them up from the airport right now because I was lucky enough to have spent a girls' night in Flagstaff at Jeanette's cozy home.  I just got home and am now anxiously awaiting their return.
I have a big surprise for Grace....
I painted and mildly redecorated her room.  Nothing new (other than the bed she already knew about) just some color change in the accessories and rearranging the furniture.  I hope she loves it.  She picked the color and I haven't hung up anything in case she wants to move stuff around, but I think it's much older looking.  She is, after all, double digits now.  I'll show you the new room after I show her.  (It wouldn't be fair for you to have a sneak peak first now would it?)


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