September 30, 2010
Well the calendar says September 30, and in 4 hours it will be October. However, it was 110 here today. Crazy hot.
In an attempt to will the weather cooler, I've changed the blog to reflect a fall-like feel even if it's not feeling fall-like outside. I did not go Halloween yet, because it has to be at least a teeny-tiny bit cool, say under 100 degrees, for me to get that decor out.
But here's a tribute to the very own orange and black:
Ollie and Grace's bright orange soccer ball, with a puma on it she named Ollie (you can see it in her handwriting above the puma).
Trick or Treat!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Wait is on
Grace auditioned for MC today. There were 40 kids trying out for 12 spots. I'm so proud of her ambition & courage. She keeps on trying new things.
We find out at 3:00 if she made it.
I don't want to see her disappointed again ( she lost the class election and didn't get the parts she auditioned for in the upcoming Grease performance). It will break my heart. So everyone say your prayers and cross your fingers.
We find out at 3:00 if she made it.
I don't want to see her disappointed again ( she lost the class election and didn't get the parts she auditioned for in the upcoming Grease performance). It will break my heart. So everyone say your prayers and cross your fingers.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Spa Day
September 24, 2010
Last weekend I doubled my family. I has my friend's two adorable daughters over for the weekend so their parents could celebrate a 40th birthday out of town.
I admire those moms with more than 2 kids.
The girls spent ALL day Saturday creating a Spa and then pampering me and each other and then their babysitter.
Here is what I looked like after my luxurious Spa Day at Grace & Alex's Spa.
What fun to be so creative and happy.
Last weekend I doubled my family. I has my friend's two adorable daughters over for the weekend so their parents could celebrate a 40th birthday out of town.
I admire those moms with more than 2 kids.
The girls spent ALL day Saturday creating a Spa and then pampering me and each other and then their babysitter.
Here is what I looked like after my luxurious Spa Day at Grace & Alex's Spa.
What fun to be so creative and happy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Test post
September 22, 2010
I'm testing out a new iPhone app that is supposed to let me post from my phone. Wouldn't that be cool. Let's try it out. Fingers crossed.
I'm testing out a new iPhone app that is supposed to let me post from my phone. Wouldn't that be cool. Let's try it out. Fingers crossed.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Growing Up is Hard to Do
September 20, 2010
Well, Grace lost the election for student body president. It was a tough lesson for a fifth grader. Lots of tears, but then she was fine about 30 minutes later. Go figure.
This Saturday, she's trying out for the MC (six girls and six boys are chosen) for the school variety show. This isn't just your average school talent show. No. It's Hopi, so it's waaay over the top. It's a B-I-G big deal to be an MC, so we are keeping our fingers crossed (and toes and legs and whatever else crosses). I think it might be a bit hard to lose twice in one month.
On a happier note, Grace successfully figured out how to create slime. She found a bad recipe on the internet and then her teacher steered her in the right direction. Corn starch, water & food coloring in case you were wondering.
Tommy had his first football game tonight, but his bad mom forgot her camera. Next week I will post pictures. He loves it and is having fun.
Tommy also started his confirmation class tonight. He reported "it wasn't bad or boring like regular church." I'll take that as a positive endorsement.
Well, Grace lost the election for student body president. It was a tough lesson for a fifth grader. Lots of tears, but then she was fine about 30 minutes later. Go figure.
This Saturday, she's trying out for the MC (six girls and six boys are chosen) for the school variety show. This isn't just your average school talent show. No. It's Hopi, so it's waaay over the top. It's a B-I-G big deal to be an MC, so we are keeping our fingers crossed (and toes and legs and whatever else crosses). I think it might be a bit hard to lose twice in one month.
On a happier note, Grace successfully figured out how to create slime. She found a bad recipe on the internet and then her teacher steered her in the right direction. Corn starch, water & food coloring in case you were wondering.
Tommy had his first football game tonight, but his bad mom forgot her camera. Next week I will post pictures. He loves it and is having fun.
Tommy also started his confirmation class tonight. He reported "it wasn't bad or boring like regular church." I'll take that as a positive endorsement.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Happiest Place on Earth
September 17, 2010
I can't believe that one week ago I was on my way to my favorite place, Disneyland. This week flew by. Here are the highlights:
Drive 51/2 hours
Hotel (same one from my birthday trip in 2007),
Disneyland from 4-10:30
Disneyland/California Adventure from 10 am-11:30 pm
Sleep a lot
Disneyland from 11-1 to eat & shop for souvenirs
Leave Disneyland (sadly)
Newport Beach for exactly 1 hour
Drive home.
Now here are the fun pictures...
I can't believe that one week ago I was on my way to my favorite place, Disneyland. This week flew by. Here are the highlights:
Drive 51/2 hours
Hotel (same one from my birthday trip in 2007),
Disneyland from 4-10:30
Disneyland/California Adventure from 10 am-11:30 pm
Sleep a lot
Disneyland from 11-1 to eat & shop for souvenirs
Leave Disneyland (sadly)
Newport Beach for exactly 1 hour
Drive home.
Now here are the fun pictures...
Day 1
Look how much fun these girls were having.
They got to dance in the parade
No, I did not say, "Everyone lean to your right."
Day 2
Big Thunder Mountain, another Top 5 ride
Our little Mad Hatters
Day 2 @ Night
This is out of order, because after this River Rafting ride, we were drenched down to our underwear and went home to put on dry clothes.
Last Day...crazy hat day?
Newport Beach
I was freezing and I didn't even get wet.
When can I go back?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Election Day
September 13, 2010
Grace is running for Student Body President. Yep, my little go-getter is setting her sights high. Only the 5th graders can run for office. I am afraid the competition is fierce at this young age. She has to win a "primary" election in her classroom. She has one competitor there. If she wins, she goes on to give a speech on the morning announcements and hangs her 1 poster in the cafeteria. I thought we'd be spending hours making oodles of campaign posters, but some thoughtful teacher at the school implemented a 1 kid: 1 poster rule. Thank You! So instead she spent an hour or so on her campaign speech and this poster, which were both completely her ideas. . . not that I am the least bit creative so I really had nothing to offer.
Notice the little speech bubble: (sorry it is sideways, I'm too tired to fiddle around to rotate it because it's not that obvious on here how to do that)
Grace is running for Student Body President. Yep, my little go-getter is setting her sights high. Only the 5th graders can run for office. I am afraid the competition is fierce at this young age. She has to win a "primary" election in her classroom. She has one competitor there. If she wins, she goes on to give a speech on the morning announcements and hangs her 1 poster in the cafeteria. I thought we'd be spending hours making oodles of campaign posters, but some thoughtful teacher at the school implemented a 1 kid: 1 poster rule. Thank You! So instead she spent an hour or so on her campaign speech and this poster, which were both completely her ideas. . . not that I am the least bit creative so I really had nothing to offer.
Notice the little speech bubble: (sorry it is sideways, I'm too tired to fiddle around to rotate it because it's not that obvious on here how to do that)
Here is the speech:
I should be President because I represent the six pillars of character. I am caring because I am kind to everyone I meet. I am a good citizen because I like to be in involved in making my school a better place. I am responsible because my friends can depend on me. I am respectful because I am open to other people’s ides and I am a good listener. I am fair because I follow the rules and treat people equally. I am trustworthy because I am honest. I will not tell a lie.
You should also vote for me because I am a great leader. I will be there and on time to all student council meetings. I will be there to greet you at every Hopi event. I have lots of school spirit. I’m not afraid to take charge. I’m creative and have lots of ideas, such as working to bring back the 4th and 5th grade geography baseball game on the morning announcements. I will also try to bring a pet supply drive for needy pets. These are some reasons why you should vote for Grace to be your student body President.
Now, wouldn't you vote for her if you were a fifth grader?
P.S. Disney post is coming. There are a LOT of photos to go through.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Disney Count Down
September 6, 2010
4 days till Disneyland!
For Grace's 10th birthday all she wanted was to go to Disneyland, which happens to be my favorite place. My friend, Nikki, and I schemed and arranged for our daughters to get the same gift for their birthdays. So on Friday (yes, we are playing hooky from school, shhh) we are loading up Grace, Alex and Brynn for their collective birthday road trip to the Happiest Place on Earth.
What is your favorite Disneyland ride?
My Answer: Space Mountain
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Melissa
September 4, 2010
Today is Tom's youngest sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Fissa! I have absolutely no recent pictures of Melissa, so here is a blast from the past...about 6 years ago? Sorry Mel.
Today is Tom's youngest sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Fissa! I have absolutely no recent pictures of Melissa, so here is a blast from the past...about 6 years ago? Sorry Mel.
Have I already told you how fabulous she is? And not just her family thinks so, she was Employee of the Year at USD as I mentioned here.
We miss her lots, although she is lucky to be living in San Diego.
Have a fun birthday Mel!
The Halterhome
Napa Trip
September 4, 2010
At long last here are some pictures from the trip I took last weekend for my friend, Diane's, 50th Birthday celebration.
The flight attendants on Southwest made her this Birthday Crown from peanut bags and drink stirrers. Now what other airline would be so fun and crafty??
Ten of us from the neighborhood rented an adorable house in Napa.
We took a bike tour of four wineries and then a van took us to five more the next day.
It was incredibly fun. The weather was perfect and so was the company.
The third (or maybe it was the fourth, I can't remember after Mumm (Just Kidding)) stop was Vine Cliff and it was inside a cave. Which sounds and was, literally, cool, but oh so stinky.

Me & the birthday girl...
Leave it to Cathy to figure out she went to the same high school as our wine guy at Vine Cliff. One of the best quotes from the weekend was when he realized he knew her, "No Shit." Said in total seriousness.

Diane at our last stop, Rombauer, which has amazing gardens.
The best meal was at The Bounty Hunter...amazing barbeque (and beer).
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