Monday, September 13, 2010

Election Day

September 13, 2010

Grace is running for Student Body President.  Yep, my little go-getter is setting her sights high.  Only the 5th graders can run for office.  I am afraid the competition is fierce at this young age.  She has to win a "primary" election in her classroom.  She has one competitor there.  If she wins, she goes on to give a speech on the morning announcements and hangs her 1 poster in the cafeteria.  I thought we'd be spending hours making oodles of campaign posters, but some thoughtful teacher at the school implemented a 1 kid: 1 poster rule.  Thank You!  So instead she spent an hour or so on her campaign speech and this poster, which were both completely her ideas. . . not that I am the least bit creative so I really had nothing to offer.

Notice the little speech bubble:  (sorry it is sideways, I'm too tired to fiddle around to rotate it because it's not that obvious on here how to do that)

Here is the speech:
I should be President because I represent the six pillars of character.   I am caring because I am kind to everyone I meet.  I am a good citizen because I like to be in involved in making my school a better place.   I am responsible because my friends can depend on me.  I am respectful because I am open to other people’s ides and I am a good listener.   I am fair because I follow the rules and treat people equally.  I am trustworthy because I am honest.  I will not tell a lie.

         You should also vote for me because I am a great leader.  I will be there and on time to all student council meetings.  I will be there to greet you at every Hopi event.  I have lots of school spirit.  I’m not afraid to take charge.  I’m creative and have lots of ideas, such as working to bring back the 4th and 5th grade geography baseball game on the morning announcements.  I will also try to bring a pet supply drive for needy pets.  These are some reasons why you should vote for Grace to be your student body President.

Now, wouldn't you vote for her if you were a fifth grader?  

P.S.  Disney post is coming.  There are a LOT of photos to go through.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you, grace. I wish I could vote for you.