Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend in Flagstaff

July 9, 2011

We were lucky enough to be invited to use our friends' home in Flagstaff last weekend.  The weather was beautiful, even chilly at night.  There were two rainstorms.  We saw two parades, celebrated Independence Day, played, laughed, and relaxed.
Lots of golfing for Tommy & Tom.
 We visited Grandma Joyce & Poppy Don in their fancy RV.  Grace even had a sleep over.

 We went to the parade in Forrest Highlands...

 We decorated the golf cart, but Grace wanted to get candy so we watched the parade (and collected candy) instead of being IN the parade.

 We went to the Flagstaff parade too...
the Batmobile

 Grace & I got a little sun in before the big rain storm....

 We played UNO for hours...literally
 And relaxed....

Tommy wouldn't pose for a picture.  

I found this adorable hat (decorative) and HAD to have it... How fun is this guy??!!

Now we are back in HOT Phoenix.  : (

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