Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ping Pong Tournament

May 1, 2012

On Saturday we hosted a Ping Pong Tournament/Party.  Many of our neighbors are serious ping pong players, so I thought it would be fun to celebrate Tom's semi-big birthday and unveil our finished back patio with a ping pong tourney.
We borrowed another table and started the games...after dining on gourmet hot dogs and sausages from the Epic Hot Dog food truck.  The food truck was a big hit with the crowd.  Another big hit was the candy bar Grace and I put together.  Lots of fun sweets like hot tamales, gum balls, m&ms, razzles, zots, laffy taffy, licorice, oreos, lollypops, chocolates of all kinds, and pixie sticks.
I was a little frantic playing hostess so I didn't get a lot of great photos, but here are some.

The new patio!
The Candy Bar

The Hot Dog Truck

Grace, Tom & Greg Johnson

Grace & Pals

Barb & Tom....usually they are partners not opponents

Jim Schu & Tom

Tony & his fan club

My gorgeous friends...great photo

All the boys...Jim Schu won the championship trophy (handmade by Grace & Tom)

The girls!

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