Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Surf Divas!

August 28-31, 2009
We did it! We are officially Surf Divas! All seven of us actually got up and caught some waves. It was all so much fun.
I never in a million years would have gone surfing on my own, so thanks to my fabulous girlfriends for getting me out there.
We were having WAY to much fun surfing to get out and take pictures of each other, so you'll have to wait until I get the photo CD from the official Surf Diva photographer to see us actually surfing. Until then, here are some highlights from the trip.
We are on our way... a toast! Yes, mimosas at 9:45 am.

The amazing ocean view from our hotel room in La Jolla. . .

We watched some beautiful sunsets. . .

A little sunset picnic on the beach . . .

The pajama party begins . . .

The BIG day... surf camp day 1

We were exhausted and starving after day 1, but it was so fun. . .

The divas with our favorite instructor, Shayna. . .

We got in a little shopping. . .
and a lot of eating!

Cheers to my fellow Surf Divas!
Thanks girlfriends (and Tom) for an unforgettable weekend.

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