Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Decor Update & Gingerbread Houses

December 6, 2009

So you all have been just dying to know what "something" I found for that vintage-tin shelf Cathy gave me for my birthday, haven't you??
I went to a craft fair Friday night looking for just that special "something."

I got this star. . .
from Tricia, the talented lady who helped me make the Haunted House of Wax in October.

Alas, when I got home it was too tall for the shelf.
 But it looks good on a wall by itself.
I foun this fun garland at Frances. . .

This "vintage" art is just PERFECT for the shelf!

How happy does this smiling girlie make you?
And the glitter letters make me MERRY just looking a them.

OK. . . I was going to save this event for a blog post of its very own,
but, I'm usually too pooped on Mondays to do much when I get home, so I am sharing it now while there are no kids or husband at home (ahhhh. . . the quiet).
Grace, Emmie, Kathy, and I made gingerbread houses today at ACC.
All the fun, none of the clean up!
Actually, Grace and Emmie made them.
 Kathy and I watched and took pictures.
Here they are intently decorating . . .

Emmie apparently inherited her Mother's affinity for well-matched accessories
and craftiness

Here's Grace's . . . more (non-Christmas) colors, but just as pretty

The other side is a tad more traditional . . .

The "back door" and window (I thought it was an animal)

Ta Da!


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