Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hey Now, She's an Allstar

December 20, 2009

I hope you know that the title refers to that song by Smashmouth . . .it's on the Shrek soundtrack.  It makes more sense if you do.   If not, just trust me. . .
Grace made the soccer all-star team.  Woo Hoo!  Go, Gracie. 
The all-star game was Saturday.  (Woo Hoo! No more soccer till September!!!)
Her all-star team won by one (the only) goal in about the last 20 seconds.  There were four Melonheads (her team name).  Here are some action shots....she's in white with a red headband.
I have yet to figure out how to crop photos that I upload from my new camera (another grrr for's jsut not as much fun when I have this cool technology that I don't know how to use.  That is what I'll be doing tonight. . . playing around with the camera and my stinky uncooperative computers.  I bet I wouldn't have these issues with a mac.). 
I digress, back to my little all-star:

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