Monday, April 12, 2010


April 4, 2010

OK, so my dates are not very chronological this week.  I finally got around to downloading the oodles of pictures I had on my camera.  I'm over scheduled.

Easter Sunday we had brunch at Aunt Kackery's house and then the kids looked for Easter Eggs at Poppy's house which is, conveniently, right down the street.

Here's pictures beginning Sunday morning...we went to church Saturday evening.  I have no picture to prove that so you will have to trust me.  Honest we did.  St. Barnabas (an Episcopal church).  

Don't you just LOOOOVE Grace's skirt. I wish I had one myself.
The HUNT is on...
Trading candy ... 
(that's Joe, an adorable friend of Emmie's).

After a nap, we all gather at the Halterhome for Easter supper.  The Hahnenkratts and the Bettins join us for great food and fun.  For the past few years, we've come up with some unique Easter "traditions" like:

 the (hard-boiled) egg toss

Chipping contests off the diving board and SWIMMING!  

Eventually four of five kids ended up in the pool.  No adults this year.
Believe me, that water is CHILLY!  

This year, we added a croquet match at the end of the evening.  Tommy was ahead when we called the game on account of darkness.  

I can't wait till next year.  

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