Thursday, June 10, 2010

Glee-ful Party

June 10, 2010

On Tuesday night I went to my first Glee party.

My friend, Cathy, is a huge Gleek and had a big bash in her GINORMOUS movie room for the season finale.  Moms and daughters from age 9-15 (well, the moms weren't in that age range).
I don't watch this show, so I was just there for the socializing.  I was not disappointed.  It was the best way to watch anything, but especially this show with the songs we moms all knew and loved in high school.  There was singing, screaming, gasping, cheering, laughing (lots of that) and even some shush-ing.
I may even get the CDs because the music was so great. Even though it was the most fun I've ever had watching tv, I can't say I'll be tuning in regularly to Glee next season.  Unless Cathy has a party for every episode.


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