Saturday, September 4, 2010

Napa Trip

September 4, 2010

At long last here are some pictures from the trip I took last weekend for my friend, Diane's, 50th Birthday celebration.
The flight attendants on Southwest made her this Birthday Crown from peanut bags and drink stirrers.  Now what other airline would be so fun and crafty??
Ten of us from the neighborhood rented an adorable house in Napa. 

 We took a bike tour of four wineries and then a van took us to five more the next day. 
 It was incredibly fun.  The weather was perfect and so was the company.  

The Birthday Girl on her bike...
Cathy giving our tour guide a high-five
I loved this funny country sign...
The lunch the tour group put on for us along the Napa River. It was delicious.

Day 2...started at Mumm, a sparkling winery.  Mumm was Yumm. : )

The third (or maybe it was the fourth, I can't remember after Mumm (Just Kidding)) stop was Vine Cliff and it was inside a cave.  Which sounds and was, literally, cool, but oh so stinky.

Me & the birthday girl...

Leave it to Cathy to figure out she went to the same high school as our wine guy at Vine Cliff.  One of the best quotes from the weekend was when he realized he knew her, "No Shit." Said in total seriousness.
Diane at our last stop, Rombauer, which has amazing gardens. 
Notice the R for Riley (as in Diane Riley).

At the end of the day some of us were were done with wine, we wanted a cold beer!

The best meal was at The Bounty Hunter...amazing barbeque (and beer). 



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your life is so much fun to follow. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. This trip sounded so fun. Your friends are terrific. What are you all going to do next?