Monday, May 9, 2011

Easter 2011

May 9, 2011  April 24, 2011

The Easter Bunny came to Poppy's house again this year.  He left literally hundreds of eggs for Tommy, Grace, Emmie, Allie, Cooper, Joe & Chloe to find.  And isn't it funny how each child has his or her very own special color?!

 Here are the goofballs before the big Hunt (minus Chloe who was having a "moment" as toddlers often do).

 The girls & Aunt Fissa emptying the eggs & sorting candy

 Then later .... dinner at our house with Grandma Joyce, Poppy Don, and the Bettins.  A little Cornhole anyone?

Not a lot of pictures, but trust me it was a fun day!!

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