Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

June 19, 2011

I'm a bit tardy, but Happy Father's Day!
Tom got the kids to go to church with me (and him) after taking the kids to IHOP for breakfast.  Sounds more like Mother's Day since I got to sleep while they went to breakfast.
On our way into church, we noticed Tommy & Grace were wearing "matching" outfits...sort of.  Green striped shirts and tan shorts.  Cute.

Then I set out to check another item off my to-do list bake banana bread.  I realize that is a rather random  thing "to-do" but I had it in my head for weeks.  So I made a double batch.  Then I realized half way through baking that I forgot to add the vegetable oil.  Well, it is a tad dry.  I think if I slather it in butter, it might not be so bad.  Or not.  I threw out one loaf and am trying to make myself eat the other one since I REALLY wanted banana bread.
Next up....the shed.

P.S.  Happy Birthday Cathy!!!  You are the best!

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