Monday, August 8, 2011

Middle School!

August 8, 2011

Today Grace started middle school!  She wasn't nervous that I could tell.  She had picked out her outfit last week and spent the last few days packing and re-packing her backpack.  Then she came home today and took everything out and reorganized it yet again.  OCD anyone?
She looked adorable and even grown up with her newly shaved legs.  yes, you heard me right, she we spent a loooong time last night learning how to shave.  I don't remember when I first shaved my legs, but middle school seemed like a relatively appropriate age.  She said it was "so fun" then after about 45 minutes she said it wasn't that fun any more.  Really?! Big surprise.  See how FUN it is 30 years from now.  Not so much.

Here is my beautiful big girl on her way to 6th grade.
 And my beautiful baby girl on her way to preschool many years time flies.

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