Monday, August 8, 2011

Cross Your Fingers...

August 8, 2011

Send good thoughts, prayers for low scores, anything that may give Tommy some good luck on the golf course today.  This is the first day of try-outs for the Brophy golf team.  Although it is a long shot because the coach expects players with even par scores to make the team, our own Tommy is heading out today and tomorrow to play 9 holes in this miserable heat.
If he makes the cut after 2 days, he moves on to the second cuts which are 3 more days this week.
We are just hoping he doesn't get cut the first round because he would have to get that bad news on his birthday.  That would suck.

Yesterday was a convocation ceremony (is that redundant?) for the freshmen.  They all looked so handsome in their "mass dress" (slacks, button down shirt, and ties).  As the priests, principal, and alumni were speaking I swear I had to work hard not to tear up.  In four short years my baby will be off to college.  I am having a much harder time sending him on to high school than I did sending him to kindergarten.  I think because in 4 years he will be ready and able to make it on his own and excited to be off to new adventures.  When he started kindergarten the new adventure awaiting him was the big-kid playground and he was only going to  3rd grade in four years...not college some place far from me.

So I am going to try and savor every day he is still here and wanting to hang around the house until this time in 2015 when I will be helping him move into a dorm room somewhere.
Here is how handsome he looked yesterday.

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