Thursday, September 29, 2011


September 29, 2011

Grace is home sick today.  I think she is feeling better though because she is back to spontaneous singing outbursts while doing math homework.
She's had a cough for a couple days and I let her stay home yesterday except for going to her last class for a test.  She got off the bus and looked horrible.  Tommy came home and commented on how sick she seemed, so you know it was bad.  I took her temp and it was 102.8.  I felt like the worst mom ever sending her to take a test like that.  At least she got 100%.
We got to spend another day together.  Bonding.
I asked her to remind me to pick up Tommy from school, because I don't usually have to do that.  In her funny quirky way, this is how she reminded me.  Literally taping a reminder to my forehead.  Oh, that Grace.

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