Friday, September 2, 2011

High School

September 2, 2011

Maybe it is because I went to a public high school, but those Brophy boys are very clever and witty and I just don't remember the boys from my high school being that clever.
Yesterday was Club Day where all the clubs set up booths and recruit new members.  There are tons from what I see.  Tommy chose the NFL Club (I guess they sit around and talk about football) and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.  Not sure what that is, but he said he picked it because they wear suits and ties.  He still likes to dress up after all these years, but now it's as a professional business man instead of a professional athlete.
Here are the pictures the BCP Student Council posted to Facebook.  I love the signs...I guess if the Xavier girls are part of the club that's a big selling point.  Notice how many signs boast that they have girls.  I was a tad disappointed that there was not a picture of a Democrats Club or even an Independents Club.  Maybe they exist, but were too swamped for a good photo.  And the Right to Life Club surprised me but it is a Catholic school after all.
I think I want to come back in my next life as a Brophy student.  It looks so fun.

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