Wednesday, June 6, 2012

End of An Era

June 6, 2012

This was the last little league season for the Halter kids.  Tommy retired after last season which made me sad, but Grace played this year . . . for the last time.  Her team was the Gators and she had a couple of actual hits that got her on base and many more walks.  She managed to score a few runs.  Mostly she was a really spunky cheerleader in the dugout.  Her heart was not really in the game, so this was the end of the Halter kids' little league careers.  

Grace at bat

Grace on second

Grace & Alex BFFs in the dugout (Alex was injured so she was in street clothes)

Grace in left field, her primary position, although she played second base several times too.

Grace getting on first.  
And finally, Grace coming in to score a run.
On the bright side, Emmie is still playing softball next year so I have an excuse to go watch little league.  Yea!

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