Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mom Taxi

June 27, 2012

So this is how my summer schedule has gone since I am now "working" this summer.  The kids and I get to our various activities, me: work, Grace: camp of some sort, Tommy: summer school. Then at 1:30ish, I leave work and get into my car.

From my office I head over to Brophy to pick up Tommy, who gets out at 2.  We drive across town home and I drop him off.  I literally drop him off and head over to get Grace where ever she happens to be "camping." I either take her home or some days take her right over the dance studio.  Then I head back home and if Tommy feels adventurous then I drive him to ACC so he can golf in this miserable heat.  Today I got out of my car at 3:25...almost 2 hours after I started.  Typical.

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