Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Coupon Clipping

February 9, 2010

As you may know, I'm a coupon clipper.  That big pile of advertising and coupons is my favorite part of the Sunday paper.  I've saved lots of money when I take the time to use the coupons I've clipped.  I use them at the grocery store, at the car shop, the dry cleaners, and I've even used the Entertainment Book.

But I would draw the line at the coupon I saw in this past Sunday's paper.  I kid you not, there was a coupon for condoms.  Seriously.  I highly doubt that the target market for Trojans is scanning the Sunday coupon section.  And they are even less likely to use a coupon at a grocery store.  Especially for that!
But, hey, maybe I am under estimating the thriftiness of these guys. 


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