February 19, 2010
Yesterday Grace went back for an eye check up. We have not been as good at making her wear the patch as last time, so Grace and I were expecting a stern talking-to from Dr. C.
As I watched her struggle with the eye exam, I was flooded with guilt. What a bad mom that I don't force that patch on her all hours that she is home! (Insert whiny voice here) But she is SO stubborn and sometimes I just don't feel like engaging in that battle/negotiation.
Too bad it doesn't work while she's sleeping...we'd get 8 hours in for sure! Ha.
By some miracle her vision had improved since last visit. She is now 20/25 up close and 20/70 distance...still not great distance vision, but getting better. Dr. C seemed to motivate her this time rather than scare her so she's gung-ho to patch at home. We'll see how long that enthusiasm lasts.
P.S. Say a prayer for two people I know, Tami and Jason, who both were recently diagnosed with cancer.
I am 20/500 - legally blind and they don't make me wear a patch - Thank God because a patch and braces would really bring me down.
I won't tell Grace ...she has both braces and the patch. : )
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