Friday, February 19, 2010

The Eyes Have It

February 19, 2010

Yesterday Grace went back for an eye check up.  We have not been as good at making her wear the patch as last time, so Grace and I were expecting a stern talking-to from Dr. C.
As I watched her struggle with the eye exam, I was flooded with guilt.  What a bad mom that I don't force that patch on her all hours that she is home!  (Insert whiny voice here) But she is SO stubborn and sometimes I just don't feel like engaging in that battle/negotiation.  

Too bad it doesn't work while she's sleeping...we'd get 8 hours in for sure! Ha.

By some miracle her vision had improved since last visit.  She is now 20/25 up close and 20/70 distance...still not great distance vision, but getting better.  Dr. C seemed to motivate her this time rather than scare her so she's gung-ho to patch at home.  We'll see how long that enthusiasm lasts.

P.S.  Say a prayer for two people I know, Tami and Jason, who both were recently diagnosed with cancer.


. said...

I am 20/500 - legally blind and they don't make me wear a patch - Thank God because a patch and braces would really bring me down.

Karen at said...

I won't tell Grace ...she has both braces and the patch. : )