Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kick Lines and Camp

February 6, 2010

Well the 2010 Hopi Variety Show is now history.  Thank God!  I know the kids love it, but it is such an ordeal for the parents (those of us who are not the stage mom-types).  Grace and 19 other 4th grade girls were the Rockettes this year.  They danced to "All That Jazz" and looked pretty cute if I do say so myself.

Tommy is away at Wyldlife camp this weekend.  He was so excited to go and has a blast. It's supposed to snow today at the camp in Williams.  They take the kids' phones away, so I have no contact until Sunday afternoon.  I hate sending him off when I can't communicate with him.  He's growing up and I am just not ready for that.  We were just looking at old photos yesterday.  Where did the years go??  I mean, look how cute he was (he still is)...

  Only 31 hours till he gets home....


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