Monday, October 25, 2010

Camp Out Success #2

October 25, 2010

We made it: 18 fifth grade girls, 10 moms and 1 dad.  No rain.  1 tarantula.  And best of all NO girl drama!
The girls stayed incredibly busy with archery, geo cache-ing (is that a word?), wood burning (the artistic kind, not arson), climbing rocks, low ropes/obstacle course, camp fire songs (Baby Shark is stuck in my head forever), and of course making lanyards (it is a girl scout camp after all).
For those like me who had no idea what geo cache-ing is, let me explain.  I thought we would be polishing rocks.  Seriously.  Like geodes...geo-cache.  See my confusion?  It is actually where some other people hide "treasures" or in our case, trinkets, in a secret location that you find after getting the satellite coordinates and then you use a GPS thingy to find the treasure.  So more like a high tech scavenger hunt.  A little tiring for un-athletic me, but the girls had a blast.
Here are the highlights:

Grace at the obstacle course:
Grace at archery:
The whole gang: 
 Some great girl moments:

Our little hairy friend:
 Me & G: (cabins in the background)
 The bunks (yes the moms slept in these too, but the dad had to sleep in the "men's cabin"):
 The troop:

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