I seem to remember that I swore off camping after the last Girl Scout campout in May. Well, no one else thought I was serious because I am getting hauled up to Prescott with 18 fifth grade girls and 10 other parents to the Girl Scout camp Willow Springs. And it is coooold up there now as you can see:
Weather for Prescott, AZ
46°F | °C
Current: Cloudy
Wind: SW at 3 mph
Humidity: 88%
Wind: SW at 3 mph
Humidity: 88%

56°F | 40°F


57°F | 41°F


60°F | 42°F


61°F | 44°F

This time we will be in actual cabins with real beds that have mattresses. Yipee!
So I will be reporting back with pictures from the fun-filled weekend.
Just so you realize what a trooper I really am
(1) Grace asked if we could skip it and I said, "Of course not!" while thinking, "hell yes!" to myself.
(2) My BFF Nikki is not joining us because she has some wedding to go to (I mean really, it's just a wedding!) and
(3) there will be no cocktails.
Hope y'all think of me this weekend.
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