Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello Again

I've been offline.  Well, I've just been off lately. In the three weeks since my last post...some good things at the Halterhome since then:

Soccer season started and I'm having WAY more fun watching than ever before,

Football continues and is really fun to watch even thought I can't figure it out and lose sight of Tommy in the jumble of boys,

It is slightly cool at nighttime here,

My sister came to visit for a few days and we had fun and giggled a lot, like always,

Tom's sister Kristin and family came to visit from Ohio,

Ashleigh brought her gang up from Tucson for the family reunion,

Melissa came from San Diego for the same reunion,

My family got up to Munds Park for a few days of fall-ish weather,

Grandma Joyce & Poppy Don came to see us up North and played marathon Uno games,

Tom & I went to the Coyotes home opener (alas, they lost in OT, but it was a good game),

I went to 2 really nice classes and services at our "new" church (we've gone on the rare Sunday for over a year so it's not technically new).

And some not so good:

my friend's husband passed away unexpectedly on September 25th.
Not much else seems "not so good" in comparison to that and my heart hurts every time I think of it.  


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