Monday, January 18, 2010

Black Screen of Death

January 18, 2010

The Black Screen of Death is what our computer expert diagnosed my desktop with. 
That sounds bad. 
It is.  In fact, it's the end of the computer. 
He said we could use it as a paper weight now. 
The good news is he can retrieve my music and photos which are pretty much the only things I really care about. 
So we have the laptop only for now.  Good thing I had that keyboard issue fixed or I'd really be pissy.
I did hook the printer directly to the laptop to solve that inability to print problem.  Duh!  Why didn't I think of that before???
So now I have been comparison shopping for a new desktop.  I almost bought one today, but Best Buy was out of stock, so I have to go to a different BB later this week.. 
Anyone have a desktop they love...or hate?  I think I know what I want, but I'm open to suggestions. 
Stay tuned for the big reveal!  (I sound like a HGTV host don't I?)


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