Monday, January 11, 2010

Sports Fans

January 11, 2010

Saturday night the Halterhome gang went to a Coyotes hockey game.

 Let me just say how cute Grace is.  Everytime she goes to any sporting event, she makes a sign to hold up.  I think she wants to increase her chance of getting on the jumbo-tron.  It usually works!  It did this game.  I was too slow with the camera to get a picture of the jumbo-tron, so you'll have to take my word.
Here she is all decked out in red and white. 

We had a great time. It was one of the most exciting games ever...Coyotes were winning, then losing by a lot, then tied it up... went into OT, still tied... then a shoot out. The Coyotes ended up losing, but it was very exciting.

Check out the excitement below...screaming indoors is always fun!

We also saw an od familar (sort of) jersey hanging up at the arena.
I think we'll do that again before the season ends. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much fun --- you much do this again. I think everyone had a great time.