January 13, 2010
Remember watching TV as a kid and the man with the deep voice would come across the airwaves announcing: "We are experiencing technical difficulties" and there would be snow or the wavy colorful lines???
And remember the PSA for coccidioidmycosis (valley fever)?
And Wallace & Ladmo?
And The Electric Company with Morgan Freeman as Easy Reader?
I guess you have to have grown up in AZ for the PSA and Wallace & Ladmo to ring any bells....
The good ol' days. I digress.
Here at the Halterhome, we have our own technical difficulties. Our desktop crashed. Kaput.
Specifically, it claims to have experienced a "fatal system error."
Sounds serious.
So Tom is taking the hard drive to an IT guy. Why are there no IT girls?
I have no idea how long we will be without the old brains of the Halterhome's computer network. Nor do I know how it will affect my ability to use the woreless for the laptop. It seems to me that the desktop's hardrive is kind of the boss of all the computer-ing that goes on around here. We did find out that you cannot print from the laptop when the desktop is experiencing a "fatal system error."
So I have pre-written two blog posts in case I cannot get back to the internet from home. I really don't think it's a good idea to write blog posts while at my real job. Don't ya'll agree?
I also think these technical difficulties may be contagious. The dishwasher is making some fatal sounding noises. Lucky for me the Sears guy (or maybe I will be surprised and it will be a Sears girl) is coming to fix that tomorrow (fingers crossed). My car also sounds like it is about to take off flying half the time and Grace's braces need a repair job too.
Hope to be back soon.
P.S. Girls Scout cookies for sale for another week. You know those Thin Mints are really yummy.
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