Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Single" Obsessed Mom

January 20, 2010

I'm not reeeeally single, but I am for tonight.  Tom is at the Barrett-Jackson car auction for his girls guys' night out.  I had my Bunco night last night and Book Club last Thursday, so he is definitely due his hall pass.  We may even see him on TV because they broadcast that thing.  Seriously, who watches a car auction?  I shouldn't throw stones...I watch dog shows (although I do turn it off when they show the toy breeds).  Anyway, we are taping it just in case he makes it on air.  As far as I know he didn't make a big sign like Grace does to assure her TV appearances. 

Right now, the kids are playing outside with the neighbors, and I am inside bursting with excitement because in a HUGE box right next to me is my new baby.  My new computer.  I told Ollie he has been replaced by a computer.  I don't think he understood me because he still follows me around in the off chance that I will take him for a walk or throw the ball a bazillion times.  I haven't un-boxed my baby yet because once I do, I know I will not do anything else all night.  I know my weaknesses and a new computer will have me obsessed. 

I still have to feed these kids.  It is officially dinner time.  Maybe they will be happy with take out pizza because I can't wait to start playing on the new computer.  I told you I am obsessed. 

I will post again when I am up and running.  If I could I would insert my squeals of joy. 

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