Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Friday Night Lights

This is the YouTube video Brophy posted from the game Friday and the FNL party afterwards. Not how I remember high school football games, but looks like fun. I still can't believe Tommy is old enough to be going to these events. He was most impressed with the break dancers. Do you think they still call them that? I am sure there is some more modern, hip term, but that's what they look like to old me.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hot, hot, hot

August 25, 2011

It has been blazing hit here lately.
Tommy's weight training class actually had to run/walk a mile on Monday his class begins at 1:00... One of the hottest time of day. I think that may be illegal. He said a man walking on the canal during that time yelled at his coach that it was "too hot to be be running those boys!". I agree, but then what was that guy doing walking on the canal at 1:00 in 111 degrees?
As I walked into the gym yesterday for a 4:30 class, I noticed the sun actually felt like little daggers on my skin. It was that hot.
When I got back in my car an hour later my car's temperature looked like this...

Frosh Mixer II

Meant to attach this pic of Tommy and his friend before the dance

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Crud

August 23, 2011

Well, 3 out of 4 of the Halterhome (3 out of 5 counting Mac) are down with the crud.  Grace started it.  She's always the trouble maker  : ).  It's not strep, but they are all coughing and have sore throats and stuffy heads.  It's pretty noisy around here in the middle of the night.  Cough, cough, sniffle, blow!  It smells like Vicks around here.  I love that smell. 

Hopefully they will be well soon.  And I won't get it. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Frosh Mixer

Tonight is Tommy's first official high school dance. It's a mixer with the Xavier freshmen girls. He was totally unexcited from what I could tell. Boys are supposed to wear red and girls blue. ???

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Real World

August 15, 2011

I went back to work today.  It actually was exactly the same as it was 8 weeks ago.  I think maybe this will be my last summer off.  The kids are getting older and didn't seem to be dying to spend time with me.  I did a lot of driving them around...to hang out elsewhere.  Grace and I did do a lot together, but she also spent a lot of time with friends.  I can hire a driver/sitter.  Then maybe I will be able to spend my summer salary on a beach vacation or a Flagstaff rental. 
I did accomplish pretty much everything on my summer-to-do list.  Clean out the shed: check.  Paint the bathroom: check.  Purge pretty much every storage space/closet in my house: check.  Go to the gym regularly: check.  Dog training: check (although that is still a work in progress).  Do a puzzle: check...ish.  I got about 80% of an incredibly hard puzzle done.  After that it just wasn't any fun anymore.  Update kids' photo albums: check.  I also got a good start on my Washington DC album but I can't check that one off yet.  Darn.  Read: check.  Good books: Half Broken Things; The Paris Wife; Thirteen Reasons Why; The Lace Reader.  Not so good books: Lake of the Woods; The Sun Also Rises (actually haven't finished, but it sucks...although maybe I am biased against it after reading The Paris Wife...Hemingway was a pig), and one other one that I don't even recall.

Now my goals are to keep up the gym visits and go to some classes at the Apple store.  And plan some good trips. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Go Broncos!

August 10, 2011

First day of high school...
 First day of kindergarten...
What a difference 9 years makes!  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Tommy!

August 9, 2011

One of my two favorite boys is 14 today!
I just love him so much it's crazy.  Just look at him!

He is so darn cute!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Middle School!

August 8, 2011

Today Grace started middle school!  She wasn't nervous that I could tell.  She had picked out her outfit last week and spent the last few days packing and re-packing her backpack.  Then she came home today and took everything out and reorganized it yet again.  OCD anyone?
She looked adorable and even grown up with her newly shaved legs.  yes, you heard me right, she we spent a loooong time last night learning how to shave.  I don't remember when I first shaved my legs, but middle school seemed like a relatively appropriate age.  She said it was "so fun" then after about 45 minutes she said it wasn't that fun any more.  Really?! Big surprise.  See how FUN it is 30 years from now.  Not so much.

Here is my beautiful big girl on her way to 6th grade.
 And my beautiful baby girl on her way to preschool many years ago...how time flies.