Sunday, May 13, 2012

Holy Mother's Day!

May 13, 2012

Today is Mother's Day and the day our church scheduled for confirmation.  Tommy completed a two year confirmation program and is now officially an Episcopalian.  The poor timing however, meant that all our special people, grandparents, aunts, & our local cousin, had to come to our church for the confirmation mass... on Mother's Day.  Then, the four of us went to another brunch program after the service for the confirmed kids.  That meant we did not get to celebrate Mother's Day with the aforementioned special people on this special day.  Not sure why the church does it that way, but it is what it is.
The Confirmation Class (Tommy is far right)
Two Proud Parents 
Grace reading before church...she was not happy about being at church all morning.

Tommy with Harry who we've known since kindergarten

Grandma Joyce & Poppy Don

Grandma Mary & Poppy Tom

Two special aunts

 I don't know if you can open this or hear the video, but each student got up and read a paper they had prepared.  All the papers were the same questions to each student about their thoughts on confirmation, the church, and themselves. In case it doesn't work, the one thing that stood out for me in Tommy's speech was that he is happiest when he is playing golf.

Another special event happened this weekend.  Emmie was also confirmed in the Catholic church.  We went to her Confirmation & First Communion on Friday.  So we did get to see the special people some this weekend.  Here's Emmie with some of her girlies after her Friday celebration.
 Now you see why it was a "holy" Mother's Day.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Where in the World?

May 8, 2012
I am in charge of planning our summer vacation.  It is causing me a lot of stress.  My first choice, Disney World, is not an option in July/August, which is when we will be going somewhere.  My second choice, Hawaii, is also off the table due to Tom's requirement that my kids get along for a week straight.  I fear we will never be going to Hawaii with them if that is the case.  My other thoughts are NYC, but it may be too hot and humid in July or August.  A San Diego beach trip would be nice, but I think Tom would get bored quickly..unless there is golf available.  Vancouver?  Maybe.  Tom and I have been there.  I was thinking Cancun or Cabo, but I have no idea about the weather.   Monterrey may be nice, but the beach is cold and I'd like to learn to paddle board and Grace & Tommy like to boogie board.  We all like Seattle, but we've all done that several times and besides we wouldn't be able to stay on Lopez Island with Mary since she's now a landlord.  

Seattle, WA
Lopez Island, WA

Flagstaff, AZ 2009

Washington DC 2011

San Diego 2011

Portland, OR 1998

Jamaica 2003

Disneyland 2010

New York 2005

San Diego 2006

Oregon/Washington 2004

Hawaii 2007

Boston 2007

Vermont 2007
Where else can we go?  Any suggestions?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ping Pong Tournament

May 1, 2012

On Saturday we hosted a Ping Pong Tournament/Party.  Many of our neighbors are serious ping pong players, so I thought it would be fun to celebrate Tom's semi-big birthday and unveil our finished back patio with a ping pong tourney.
We borrowed another table and started the games...after dining on gourmet hot dogs and sausages from the Epic Hot Dog food truck.  The food truck was a big hit with the crowd.  Another big hit was the candy bar Grace and I put together.  Lots of fun sweets like hot tamales, gum balls, m&ms, razzles, zots, laffy taffy, licorice, oreos, lollypops, chocolates of all kinds, and pixie sticks.
I was a little frantic playing hostess so I didn't get a lot of great photos, but here are some.

The new patio!
The Candy Bar

The Hot Dog Truck

Grace, Tom & Greg Johnson

Grace & Pals

Barb & Tom....usually they are partners not opponents

Jim Schu & Tom

Tony & his fan club

My gorgeous friends...great photo

All the boys...Jim Schu won the championship trophy (handmade by Grace & Tom)

The girls!