Thursday, September 29, 2011


September 29, 2011

Grace is home sick today.  I think she is feeling better though because she is back to spontaneous singing outbursts while doing math homework.
She's had a cough for a couple days and I let her stay home yesterday except for going to her last class for a test.  She got off the bus and looked horrible.  Tommy came home and commented on how sick she seemed, so you know it was bad.  I took her temp and it was 102.8.  I felt like the worst mom ever sending her to take a test like that.  At least she got 100%.
We got to spend another day together.  Bonding.
I asked her to remind me to pick up Tommy from school, because I don't usually have to do that.  In her funny quirky way, this is how she reminded me.  Literally taping a reminder to my forehead.  Oh, that Grace.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dinner with my Boys.

Grace is at a bday party tonight. So Tom and I took Tommy to one of our favorite local spots for dinner, The Vig. A little father/son bocce ball ensued.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ohm Darth Vader

Whoa! Hey! My Blogger dashboard changed dramatically.
Can you see a difference?
So I was at my favorite yoga class on Wednesday.  The teacher has really great props like Chinese acupressure balls (small sort of squishy-spikey balls about the size of a softball) that feel like heaven when you roll them on various parts of your body like shins, back, and head.  And these feet thingies that are a wonderful foot massage and make me so relaxed.  Anyway, she was had us lying on our backs doing wonderful things with the acupressure balls but I was next to Darth Vader. You know,  a heavy breather who completely kept me distracted from my relaxation. Yuck.  (and it was not my friend Liz K who on my other side).
On another note, I signed up for Pintrest today.  That should suck up hours of my time. Kind of like Etsy did when I first discovered it and like it does around the holidays.  Check it out.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


When O When is the new iPhone coming out? My phone is so incredibly slow and shuts down mid-app oh so often. I am spoiled and need speed AND convenience. Apple please hurry up!! BTW I am on the advance wait list at my local AT&T store for the new version.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Manic Thursday or Man on Thursday

September 8, 2011

Yesterday Grace decided to accompany me to the grocery store.  The store was playing music which I never really notice.  But Grace constantly sings, so she was singing along to the songs.  The song Manic Monday by the Bangles came on.  Grace started singing along, "Just another man on Monday."  I don't know why but that cracked me up, she really thought those were the words.  Hope you smile too.  Next time you hear the song Manic Monday make up some funny lyrics.  


Friday, September 2, 2011

High School

September 2, 2011

Maybe it is because I went to a public high school, but those Brophy boys are very clever and witty and I just don't remember the boys from my high school being that clever.
Yesterday was Club Day where all the clubs set up booths and recruit new members.  There are tons from what I see.  Tommy chose the NFL Club (I guess they sit around and talk about football) and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.  Not sure what that is, but he said he picked it because they wear suits and ties.  He still likes to dress up after all these years, but now it's as a professional business man instead of a professional athlete.
Here are the pictures the BCP Student Council posted to Facebook.  I love the signs...I guess if the Xavier girls are part of the club that's a big selling point.  Notice how many signs boast that they have girls.  I was a tad disappointed that there was not a picture of a Democrats Club or even an Independents Club.  Maybe they exist, but were too swamped for a good photo.  And the Right to Life Club surprised me but it is a Catholic school after all.
I think I want to come back in my next life as a Brophy student.  It looks so fun.