Sunday, March 21, 2010

Family Dinner

March 21, 2010

Almost every Sunday evening, we here at the Halterhome have family dinner with the rest of the Halter family. Usually it's at Poppy's house, but sometimes we mix it up and have it here or at Kackery's or sometimes we even go out...ooh fancy.

It all started back when Tommy was a baby and Grandma and Poppy lived in the "guest house" behind us on Exeter.  It was super easy and a great help to me since (A) I am not a great cook and (B) I had a new baby to figure out.  Back then it was not always on Sunday and often was more than  once a week.  How lucky for us!

After we all relocated in 2005, we've managed to to keep up the tradition.  Now even our neighbors know that Sunday is family dinner night for us.  It's a wonderful family tradition that I hope will continue forever.

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