Monday, March 29, 2010

In the Eyes of the Beholder

March 29, 2010

I was at a funeral last weekend for a friend's mom.  Her parents had been married for over 40 years.  There was a slide show with pictures from her mom's childhood up to recently.  When we saw pictures from her parents' wedding, another friend of mine leaned over and whispered to me, "That's how her husband still saw her." 

That comment has really stayed with me.  It is perfectly true. 
I thought about how I "see" my loved ones.  I look past the age and years and see them as I did when I first met them.  For example, I still don't see Tommy as an almost teenager.  Looking at recent photos sometimes gives me pause when I see how fast the years are going by.
Here's what I see when I look at Tommy:

When I saw my old friends last weekend, I "saw" them just like in old photos.  Isn't it so strange? 
I wonder if Tom sees past my greying hair and increasing wrinkles?  I don't see his. 

When I meet someone new, I don't see that history that I see in people I have known for a long time.  But I love my new friends as much as my old friends.  Even if I don't know what they looked like in 1985.  It would be fun to see those old photos though, wouldn't it? 


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