Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Melissa!

March 19, 2010

Lots of birthdays this month week!
Next up is my dear friend from law school Melissa Clark, aka Melissa Martin, Chi-lissa, Sweet M.

Melissa is going to kill me because the only pictures I have are OLD ones.  She just needs to learn how to email me photos.  Maybe this will motivate her to do so before her next birthday rolls around.

On the very first day of law school, it may have even been on orientation day, she came up to me and with her sweet mid-western charm, introduced herself.  From that day on we have been BFFs (and that before there was such a thing as BFFs ...and before cell phones, the internet, the know, the dark ages).
Having been friends for so long, we have a lot of fun memories.  Many of them were made at in our dysfunctional "small section" first year of law school.  Vikki?  (Inside joke).  Some others are the law school lunch club, Frasier who is the only cat I have ever and will ever cat-sit for, the Cactus Moon, our stellar math abilities while sale shopping (20% off ring any bells??), and many others.  I am giggling to myself thinking of our silliness back in those days.

So Melissa, assuming you get onto my blog, I wish you a very Happy Birthday and expect to see some pictures in my email.

Melissa, me, Page (for Melissa's 40th b-day surprise weekend here in AZ)

P.S. your gift is going to be late because I haven't even mailed it yet!

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