Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ping Pong and an update

April 24, 2013

First the update.  My solution worked... sort of.  Grace and her friend were able to sit at the table with their friends and then go to the nurse, but they had to share one seat to squeeze in.  Oh the life of a 7th grader.

2nd Annual Ping Pong Tournament

On April 13th we hosted the rematch ping pong tournament.  Friends, neighbors, and some (several) people I don't know came to see whether Jim Schu would repeat.  Jim didn't make it to the final round.  I blame that on the eventful night he was having for other reasons that aren't important to the ping pong story.   Instead G-Mac battled our newest contender, Amar, who also happens to be our newest neighbor.
We had a great time with the best neighbors and friends anywhere.  We missed one of our usual ringers this year - Barb.

The Riley's ended up playing against each other this year.

Amy didn't get past the reigning champ

Amy wasn't too upset about losing apparently

My favorite picture of the night

Tuck photo bombing

Rojo & Verde (or is it Verde & Rojo? I don't know who is who)
 Scenes from the final match:
Amar & G-Mac warming up
 Friendly pre-game photo
 Grant's victory speech went on and on....

 Serious Ping Pong is over - now just for fun.
The Lambeth brothers

These boys shut the party down around 1 am.
I love my neighborhood.

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